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There are several reasons to complete tax returns early rather than waiting until Tax Day
Obviously, if you have a refund, you’ll get it earlier,” says Paul Joseph, an attorney and CPA with Joseph & Joseph Tax & Payroll in Williamston, Michigan. For many people, that alone may be reason enough to file early.
We usually tell our clients to wait until late February or even March to file, many of his firm’s clients have brokerage accounts, and tax statements from investment firms are often not mailed until mid-February. While a return can always be amended, filing a change can be costly and time-consuming.
Appointments with tax professionals may be hard to come by during the final weeks before the tax-filing deadline. Making an early appointment could mean you are able to meet at a convenient time, and your return won’t have to compete for your tax preparer’s attention
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Depending on the complexity of your income and tax situation, you may need the following documents, among others, before you can file your return: